1. Analysis workflow

Spiker is specifically designed to analyze ChIP-seq data with spike-in control.

Alternative text

2. Input and output

The input files can be single-end or paired-end FASTQ files or pre-aligned BAM files. It supports both narrow peak (such as H3K27ac) and broad peak analysis (such as H3K79me2 in this tutorial).

Input single-end fastq files

$ spiker.py --t1 H3K27ac.fastq.gz --c1 control.fastq.gz --bt2-index /data/GRCh38 --spikeIn --csf 1.23 --tsf 0.95 -o H3K27ac
$ spiker.py --broad --t1 H3K27ac.fastq.gz --c1 control.fastq.gz --bt2-index /data/GRCh38 --spikeIn --csf 1.23 --tsf 0.95 -o H3K27ac

Input paired-end fastq files

$ spiker.py --t1 H3K27ac_R1.fastq.gz --t2 H3K27ac_R2.fastq.gz --c1 control_R1.fastq.gz --c2 control_R2.fastq.gz --bt2-index /data/GRCh38 --spikeIn --csf 1.23 --tsf 0.95 -o H3K27ac
$ spiker.py --broad --t1 H3K27ac_R1.fastq.gz --t2 H3K27ac_R2.fastq.gz --c1 control_R1.fastq.gz --c2 control_R2.fastq.gz --bt2-index /data/GRCh38 --spikeIn --csf 1.23 --tsf 0.95 -o H3K27ac

Input BAM files

$ spiker.py -t H3K27ac.sorted.bam -c control.sorted.bam --spikeIn --csf 1.23 --tsf 0.95 -o H3K27ac
$ spiker.py --broad -t H3K27ac.sorted.bam -c control.sorted.bam --spikeIn --csf 1.23 --tsf 0.95 -o H3K27ac

Output files

3. Spiker.py options


show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


FASTQ file (read1) for ChIP sample. Can be regular plain text file or compressed file (.gz, .bz2). Mutually exclusive with ‘-t’.


FASTQ file (reas2) for ChIP sample. Can be regular plain text file or compressed file (.gz, .bz2). Mutually exclusive with ‘-t’. Ignore this for single- end sequencing.

-t CHIP_BAM, --treat=CHIP_BAM

BAM file of ChIP sample. The BAM file must be sorted and indexed. Mutually exclusive with ‘–t1’ and ‘– t2’.


FASTQ file (read1) for Control sample. Can be regular plain text file or compressed file (.gz, .bz2). Mutually exclusive with ‘-c’.


FASTQ file (reas2) for Control sample. Can be regular plain text file or compressed file (.gz, .bz2). Mutually exclusive with ‘-c’. Ignore this for single- end sequencing.

-c CTRL_BAM, --control=CTRL_BAM

BAM file of Control sample. Mutually exclusive with ‘ –c1’ and ‘–c2’. The BAM file must be sorted and indexed.

-o OUTFILE, --output=OUTFILE

Prefix of output files.


The prefix (minus trailing .X.bt2) for bowtie2 index files. Ignore this option if BAM files were provided by ‘-t’ and ‘-c’.


Number of alignments from the BAM file used to tell the sequencing layout (PE or SE), and estiamte the fragment size ‘d’. default=1000000

-g G_SIZE, --genome-size=G_SIZE

Effective genome size. It can be 1.0e+9 or 1000000000, or shortcuts:’hs’ for human (2.7e9), ‘mm’ for mouse (1.87e9), ‘ce’ for C. elegans (9e7) and ‘dm’ for fruitfly (1.2e8). default=hs


Number of threads. default=8


Select the regions within MFOLD range of high- confidence enrichment ratio against background to build model. Fold-enrichment in regions must be lower than upper limit, and higher than the lower limit. Use as “-m 10 30”. DEFAULT:5 50


Set this flag if ChIP and control samples contains exogenous reads as splike-in. Please note, you also need to specify –tsf and –csf.


Scaling factor for treatment. This will be applied to the pileup bedgraph file of treatment (*.treat.pileup.bdg).


Scaling factor for control. This will be applied to the pileup bedgraph file of maximum background (*.control.pileup.max.bdg).


Qvalue cutoff for peaks. default=0.05


Qvalue cutoff for linking regions. default=0.1


If set, generate bigwig files for ChIP pileup and control pileup.


maximum gap between significant points in a peak. default=100


If set, call broad peaks.


If set, calculate FRiP (the Fraction of Reads In called Peaks) score using the BAM and peak files.


If set, clean up the intermediate files. When not set, intermediate files are kept so that rerun the workflwo will be much faster.


If set, detect peak summit position.


If set, print detailed information for debugging.

4. split_bam.py options


show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


BAM file of the composite genome (such as human + fly)


Output prefix. The original BAM file will be split into four BAM files: ‘prefix_human.bam’, ‘prefix_exogenous.bam’, ‘prefix_both.bam’, ‘prefix_neither.bam’.

-p CHR_PREFIX, --exo-prefix=CHR_PREFIX

Prefix added to the exogenous chromosome IDs. For example. ‘chr2L’ -> ‘dm6_chr2L’. default=dm6_

-q MAP_QUAL, --mapq=MAP_QUAL

Mapping quality (phred scaled) threshold. Alignments with mapping quality score lower than this will be assigned to ‘prefix_neither.bam’. default=30


Number of threads to use for BAM sorting. default=1